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Dionne Mitchell Counsellor, Mentor and RTT Therapist

Hi, I'm Dionne. I'm pleased to meet you and am so excited that you have found my site.

I am passionate about helping people, and dedicated to guiding them to  unlock their true potential.

My Story

I have always been a 'feeler', from an early age I was nursing sick animals and caring for others. My empathic tendencies were put to good use as I was raised in quite a dysfunctional family, narcissism, violence, abuse, addiction and bullying were commonplace within the family home and dynamic. Myself and my siblings suffered greatly with low self-esteem panic attacks and other associated stress disorders. It's not surprising that this led me to pursue a career in counselling those with addictions, mental health problems, anxiety and confidence issues.

My work was recognised over the past two decades, yet I always felt I was not doing enough, I knew there was something more that could be done yet wasn't sure what it was or where to find it. This was when I found Marissa Peer, instantly something clicked, I used to listen to her lectures on the way to work and although I resonated with her words, I was slightly sceptical about this seemingly 'magic cure'. My addiction was food, I was obsessed with my weight, for years I obsessed over what I did or didn't eat, I knew that this was unhealthy, yet it had been my only source of control and comfort throughout my childhood. I had spent thousands of pounds on diets, weight loss classes and seemingly miracle cures to try and fill the void I felt inside. Yet this just fuelled the self-depreciating thoughts and led me further into the spiral of self-loathing, guilt and deeper into my addiction. 

My Experience with RTT

I was at my wit's end, family members, my husband and friends were all as fed up as my with my compulsions as I was, so I booked a session of RTT, I had hoped it would work, but as everything else had failed, I wasn't really that convinced it could help me. How wrong I was...

During the session, I was amazed at the revelations and insights that were discovered. It was never about food, but like with all addictions I had used it as a crutch to mask an internal pain and void. I was taken back to the moments when my false belief systems were implanted. New thought patterns were instilled to let go of my old thinking HABITS. My habits were a result of my thoughts, not my actions. After the session I felt amazing, like years of conditioning had been lifted, I was inspired and empowered. within four weeks I had lost 21lbs without even trying. After so many years of being a prisoner of my thoughts, I was finally free, and it felt so Freaking good! I knew then that this was my purpose, to help those, like yourself and the old me that feel powerless and imprisoned by our past. I have since used RTT on a personal level to deal with many of the experiences of my past that stripped me of my power. It feels amazing to live everyday in my true power free from the limiting beliefs and turmoil that used to plague me and my life. I 100% believe in this method, I am living proof! I decided to train with Marissa and this is now my life's work. I am dedicated and devoted to my clients transformation and am delighted to witness them claim the future they dream off by shedding the baggage from their past.

"Healing doesnt mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives"

My Approach

How RTT can help you

Rapid Transformational Therapy has been PROVEN to successfully treat the following issues:


• Addictions 

• Anxiety and Depression

• Anorexia and Bulimia

• Chronic pain *Migraine, Fibromyalgia, ME, IBS

• Confidence and Self-esteem

• Life Purpose, Motivation

• Fears and Phobias

• Fertility

• Grief  

• Physical pain 

• Relationship Issues

• Stress

• Self-love

• Sexual Problems

• Trauma

• Weight Issues

RTT delivers extraordinary, permanent change from physical, emotional and psychological pain by accessing our core beliefs, values, habits and emotions that are stored in our subconscious.

During your session, we will gain access to your subconscious mind to find the true ROOT cause of your issues and blocks. Once located I simply and rapidly rewire and reverse the old limiting beliefs and false thought patterns and TOTALLY TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!


"When one is released from the prison of self,that is indeed Freedom. For self is the greatest prison"

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